
Greenville Youth Chorale is a children’s choir for young singers who share a love of music, a passion for musical excellence, and a desire to grow together.

Our Choirs

First Impressions Choir is a preparatory choir for children in K5-1st grades. Led by Amanda Bright, First Impressions rehearses each Thursday from 5:00-6:00 PM in downtown Greenville at First Presbyterian Church. Singers develop melodic, rhythmic, and vocal skills through singing, musical games, and movement activities. 

Apprentice Choir is an auditioned choir for children in 2nd-4th grades, led by Joanie Pegram. Singers work to develop choral disciplines of focus, listening, and vocal technique while rehearsing each Thursday from 5:00-6:00 PM in downtown Greenville at First Presbyterian Church.

Concert Choir is an auditioned choir for singers in 5th-7th grades led by award-winning composer and conductor, Jon Reid. Concert Choir rehearses in downtown Greenville at First Presbyterian Church each Thursday evening from 6:15-7:30 PM. Concert Choir sings in multiple languages and works to develop mature artistry and vocal technique.

Chamber Singers, under the direction of Laura Cook Brundage, is an auditioned choir for treble voices in 8th-12th grades. Chamber Singers rehearse Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:30 p.m. from late August to mid April. Rehearsals are held at First Presbyterian Church in downtown Greenville. Chamber Singers perform a wide range of choral repertoire in annual Winter and Spring concerts. Additionally, Chamber Singers audition to perform with the Greenville Symphony Orchestra in the International Ballet’s production of The Nutcracker each December. Additional performances are available.

Greenville Youth Chorale accepts applications year-round and auditions new singers each fall, winter, and spring. 


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GYC depends on generous donations and gifts from individuals, businesses, grants, and foundations to complete its annual budget. Your financial support helps fund programs for young singers throughout the Upstate.

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